tomorrow is new year's eve and i'll be in the office... yeah, i know it sucks to work during the holiday season most especially during new year's eve.. such as loser me.. i can bear the thought of not being at home during christmas but new year is really different.. but i guess that's life...
to divert my attention, i'll just think of a happy thought... [light bulb moment!]lee min ho.. haha ;) who else can put a smile on my face in an instant.. hihi after quite a long time, i was able to browse over loveminho's site again.. here's another repost from her site..
LMH's outlook on love? Friendship is ahead of love.Posted on Asiaeconomy, Reporter Hwang Yong-hee, 2009-09-05English translated by loveminho.comphotocredit: as labelled'BOF' LMH unfolded his thoughts slightly about his 'outlook of love' and 'outlook of acting' in the Premier Event for BOF that was held at Yokohama National University Hall in the evening of September 5th.In front of 4,000 Japanese fans that day, as a response to a question what would be the difference of the outlook of love between 'LMH himself' and 'BOF GJP', he said "While GJP's outlook of love is just very strong and aggressive regardless of the other party's feeling, real LMH approaches carefully at first when someone who I like appears, but becomes more aggressive when the other party shows good feeling to me and catches my sincerity. Therefore, I like the proverb most that 'Blessed are those who wait.' However, it is better to stay as a friend at first."To the MC's question 'how you would act if you should love a girl that some other loves just like GJP and YJH', he answered "Even though it is my friend, it cannot be allowed if he breaks into our love as Jihoo did in the drama. However, I will not make such situation. I will tell my friend about this first and he might understand well enough". Also for the question 'Friendship first? or love first?" he answered "Friendship first, love after", which cause the audiences' applause.LMH also mentioned about his outlook of acting that day. For the question 'what kind of cast you would want to take', he revealed his implicit desire to take various experiences by saying "I would like to make action performance as well as heart-breaking melodramatic performance. But it would be better if it fits into my age." For the question 'whether you had any hard times', he confessed "I had almost given up acting when I was a nameless actor" and showed he has considerably optimistic character, saying "I was hospitalized for 6 months due to car accident and could not work more than a year. This period was very tough time for me. But such a hard time probably made today's LMH"Lastly, for the question 'how you spend time after 'BOF'', LMH indicated he was contacting various works, saying "Recently, I took photos in London and Sydney for a photo book. I lived with pleasant and bright attitude and put all these into photos. I will be able to meet my fans again with a good work soon." i'm also awaiting his next project which hopefully would air soon.. \(^^,)/~grazhishu~
*lee min ho crazy girl*
*wu chun addict*
*forever joe cheng's gal*