when i was a child, i always felt like i was like moving and living in a super slow world... i was so impatient that i couldn't wait to grow up... felt like everything is in "slow-mo" (meaning all the events happen in slow motion), especially during afternoons when i had to sleep (siesta) before i can go out and play, waiting always seemed like eternity... time seems to pass by so slowly...
but as i grew older, the pace eventually changed... i had this realization when i reached college. what seemed to play in "slow-mo" before, when i was in college played normally... as in not too slow, not too fast.. just the right pace...
but after i graduated, i had the most shocking realization... the pace seemed to have accelerated... a lot!!! just like what i've mentioned a million times here in my blog, right now i feel like living in a "fast track" life. this realization never fails to freak me out. feels like someone pressed the fast forward button, i'm not even noticing how days are passing me by.

so for the record, right now (2008), i am:
* chubby and cute.. haha :P * * Kdrama and TWdrama addict * * in love with joe cheng and dingdong dantes * * single and still living with parents * * customer service assoc in eTel * * thrifty/values money (as always) * * loves bsb * * loves david cook * * loves the color purple * * loves cars but doesn't have any yet * * has purchased an n70 cellphone unit and my own dual core pentium IV pc w/ a 17" lcd monitor * * have lots of friends * Ü
in 2013, i am...
[ to be filled out 5 years from now... ]
*new wu chun fan*
*forever loyal joe cheng gal*
*new wu chun fan*
*forever loyal joe cheng gal*
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