today, september 1, marks the first day of the BER months... well, i'm not anymore suprised of how time flys so fast nowadays. why? because i've been shocked since the month of JUNE arrived. i have realized since then and i've been feeling like i've been watching a fastforwarded version of my own life with everything happening so fast around me.
the past new year's eve felt like just 2 months ago... and now we're nearing christmas again... waaaaaahhhhhhh!!!! and of course, a week after christmas would be new year again. like what i've said earlier, i'm no longer suprised of this fast track life but i'm still not used to it.

today, it's 115 days before christmas. yes, a hundred days is still a lot.. but thinking of how fast days pass lately, i dunno... i think this will not take long. we may wake up one day and it's already just a week before christmas eve... who knows... or maybe, it has already passed...
*new wu chun fan*
*forever loyal joe cheng gal*
*new wu chun fan*
*forever loyal joe cheng gal*
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