on the contrary, 56 more products have been cleared from melamine contamination bringing the numbers up to 166 milk and dairy products tested in total... at least there is still a brighter side, right? see updated list below:
Tested NEGATIVE for Melamine:
- Arla Instant White Milk Powder Milex 126
- Baby Sucker Candy (Smart Plastic Mfg.)
- Baina Watch Milk Candy
- Bainapie Coolmilk Bean
- Barbie Milk Candy
- Call and Text Candy (Smart Plastic Mfg.)
- Chang's Chin Tai Chang Square Cookies
- Changtai Food Lollipop Candy
- Chaozhou-Zhancui Original Butter Scoth Classic Candy
- Cow's Head Skimmed Milk Powder (Spray dried process)
- Dairy Cow Instant Whole Milk Powder
- Dongguan Bairong Strawberry Biscuit
- Dongguan HSU-CHI Orange Sandwich Cookies
- Duke's Choco Crunch Bar
- Erko Marsmallows (Dairy Milk Flavour Filling)
- Galaxy Sweetened Milk Powder
- H&Y (Healthy & Young) Jollybee Eat & Drink Candy (Orange Flavor)
- Jiayuan Shuang Le Tong Candy
- JollyCow Sterilized Milk
- Khong Guan Custard Cream Biscuit
- Khong Guan Marie Biscuit
- Lotte Nidoo Skimmed Milk Biscuit
- MC Nation Confectionary Milky Beans Candy
- Milk Land Milk Powder (Sweet Cream Buttermilk Powder)
- Orion "It's Now" Custard Cream Cake
- Palma Commercial Skimmed Milk Powder
- Permen Aneka Rasa Buah Candy Granules
- Red Bull Skimmed Milk Powder
- Sam's Super i Man Milk Candy
- Strange Biscuit of Common Song/ Guava Cookies
- Sweetworld Almo Milk Powder Bottle
- The New Zoland Company Omilk Bonbon Yogurt Milk Soft Drops (Original Taste)
- Tiwi Banana Split Chocolate
- Vitasoy Malted Soya Bean Milk
- Angels First Love Barquillos Fresh Milk Wafer Sticks
- Barbecue Candy (MM)
- Darrys Milk Choco Candy
- Golden Fuji Crisp Tomato Flavor Cracker
- Golden Fuji Vegetable Flavor Cracker
- Houshuang Winter Mint Candy (MM)
- KZ Gundam Long Candy
- Lipton Milk Tea (Original Flavour) -- product of Indonesia
- Lipton Milk Tea (Vanilla Flavour) -- product of Indonesia
- Nice Choice Pineapple Cake
- OO Chocolate Bean Candy
- Sandwich Biscuits (green wrapper, in Chinese characters)
- Sandwich Biscuits (purple wrapper, in Chinese characters)
- Sandwich Biscuits (yellow wrapper, in Chinese characters)
- Sour Lollipop 2 in 1 (Strawberry, Orange, Pineapple)
- Sweet Dart 8.8 Butter Bali Candy
- The New Zoland Company Omilk Bonbon Yogurt Milk Soft Drops (grape flavour)
- W.L. Sweet Dart Pines Milk Candy
- W.L. Sweet Dart Royal Orange Candy
- W.L. Yaahoo Cheese Biscuit
- Zhongshan Meihua Galletas De Chocola Te Butter with Filling Cake
- Zhongshan Meihua Good Taste Sweet-Smelling and Crisp Biscuits (Nutrition Health Foods)
Fourth China product has melamine--BFAD
Melamine in 2 more ‘Lotte’ products (22 other food brands safe)
OMG! when will this be over? i heard there are approximately 50 more milk products subject to melamine contamination testing... sigh...
haven't seen OREO from all the listings i've posted here and that's the brand i've been waiting to see since this milk scandal started... also, since this issue began, i've always been checking labels of all cookies, chocolates, candies, biscuits and other dairy products i consume due to my undying paranoia... unlike before, i only check the expiration date and the price (if reasonable.. haha) of the product...
now, these chocolates should be forgotten... craving would only be a waste... but this is just for the mean time... until everthing's cleared... soon... hopefully...
now, these chocolates should be forgotten... craving would only be a waste... but this is just for the mean time... until everthing's cleared... soon... hopefully...
...helping in my own little ways... (^-^)v
*new wu chun fan*
*forever loyal joe cheng gal*
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