♥~♥~♥ shout outs!!! ♥~♥~♥

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Glitter Words

~ pixels of life ~

here are my pictures with my friends... Ü

~ My LEE MIN HO wonderland ~

Glitter Words
[Glitterfy.com - *Glitter Words*]

* Name: 이민호 / Lee Min Ho
* Profession: Actor, Model
* Birthdate: 1987-Jun-22
* Height/Weight: 185cm, 69 kg
* Foot Size: 265 mm
* Star sign: Cancer
* Blood type: A
* Education: Namsung Elementary School-Banpo Middle School-Danggok High School-KonKuk University. Cinema Major.
* Favorite Actors: Edward Norton, Leonardo Di Caprio, Sul Kyung Goo, Kim Su Ro
* Motto: “Those who give up cannot gain victory.” It’s not victory that is so important, but the fighting spirit. Even if you fail, I think even just the attitude of not giving up is beautiful in itself.

* TV Shows: Boys Over Flowers (KBS2/2009), But I don't Know too (MBC/2008), I am Sam (KBS2/2007), Mackerel Run (SBS/2007), Secret Campus (EBS/2006), Love Hymn (MBC/2005)
* Movies: Our School ET (2008), Public Enemy Returns (2008), Humming (2007), Arang (2006), Ghost Lives (2004)
* Commercials: Etude House (2009), Cass Beer (2009), Dunkin' Donuts (2009), Cadillac CTS (2009), Samsung AnyCall (2009), Market 0 (2009), LG Telecom (2009), Trugen (2009), Levi's Strauss (2009), Pepsi Nex (2009)
* Awards: The 45th Baeksang Arts Awards: Best New Actor Boys Before Flowers (2009)

Monday, June 15, 2009

LEE MIN HO's 40 Questions & Answers

as always, i'm spending almost every morning of everyday to check updates about lee min ho. and here's another juicy item i found while checking and googling for min ho articles online. this one is from one of the threads in leeminhoph.com (i'm a member by the way) posted by one of the administrators of the fansite (leeminho.mine).

here's link to the forum thread: http://www.leeminhoph.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=191&page=1

here goes...

Q1. 고향은 어디야? (Hometown?)
▲ 서울 흑석동
▲ Heukseok-dong, Seoul

Q2. 태몽은? (Dream of conception? [What his mom dreamed of before his birth])
▲ 빨간 고추가 주렁주렁 매달려 있는 꿈
▲ A dream about red peppers hanging together

Q3. 가족관계는? (Family relationship?)
▲ 1남1녀 중 막내
▲ contains son & a daughter, the youngest

Q4. 출신학교는? (Graduate of?)
▲ 남성초등학교-반포중학교-당곡고등학교-건국대학교 예술문화대학 예술학부 2학년 재학중. 영화전공.
▲ Namsung Elementary School-Banpo Middle School-Danggok High School-KonKuk University. Cinema Major.

Q5. 학창시절 친구들 사이 별명은 뭐였어? (Nicknames throughout school?)
▲ 초등학교 시절엔 ‘깜둥이’(피부톤이 검은 편이어서), 중학교 다닐 땐 ‘스켈레톤’(너무 말랐다고), 고등학교 재학 중엔 ‘데빌’(장난이 심해서).
▲ Elementary school ‘dark faced’ (one side of skin was dark), Junior High ‘Skeleton’ (very thin), During High School ‘Devil’ (Mischievous)

Q6. 학창시절 교내 인기는 어느 정도? (Degree of school popularity?)
▲ 남중, 남고여서 인기는 사실 별로 였음.
▲ alright, attended an boys school so popularity was so-so

Q7. 공부는 어느 정도? (How much studying?)
▲ 솔직히 잘 못했음.
▲ Honestly, was very poor at it

Q8. 최고 몇 등까지 해봤어? (Class standing?)
▲ 반내 16등.
▲ 16

Q9. 어릴적 때 꿈은? (Childhood dream?)
▲ 축구선수.
▲ Soccer player

Q10. 좋아하는 음식은? (Favorite food?)
▲ 고기면 전부. 육식을 즐기는 편.
▲ Beef. I enjoy meat.

Q11. 좋아하는 패션 스타일은? (Favorite fashion style?)
▲ 핏(Fit)이 좋은 옷. 팔 다리가 길어 기성복이 잘 안맞는 편.
▲ Good fitting clothes. Ready-made clothes don’t fit too well on long arms & legs

Q12. 좋아하는 음악은? (Favorite genre of music?)
▲ 팝 발라드.
▲ Pop, Ballad

Q13. 좋아하는 가수는? (Favorite musician?)
▲ 이승철, 임재범.
▲ Lee Seung Chul, Im Jae Bum

Q14. 좋아하는 영화 장르는? (Favorite movie genre?)
▲ 반전 스릴러.
▲ Banjun Thriller

Q15. 좋아하는 배우는? (Favorite actor?)
▲ 레오나르도 디카프리오, 설경구, 김수로 선배님.
▲ Leonardo Di Caprio, Sul Kyung Goo, Kim Su Ro

Q16. 즐겨보는 예능프로그램은? (Entertainment programs you enjoy?)
▲ 모든 예능을 좋아한다.
▲ Like all programs

Q17. 좋아하는 개그맨은? (Favorite gagman/comedian?)
▲ 워낙 개그프로그램을 좋아해 특별히는 없다. 전부 다.
▲ Don’t have one favorite gag program. All of them.

Q18. 좋아하는 운동은? (Favorite sports?)
▲ 축구를 비롯해 모든 운동을 사랑해.
▲ Love all sports activities including soccer

Q19. 취미와 특기는? (Hobbies?)
▲ 취미도 운동, 특기도 운동. 난 운동 마니아!
▲ Sports hobbies. I [have] sports mania!

Q20. 연기자가 되기로 결심한 계기는? (Decision to become an actor?)
▲ 고등학교 2학년 때 주위의 권유로 미래에 대해 고민하다 연기자가 되기로 결심.
▲ Decided to become an actor during 2nd year in high school when thinking about the future

Q21. 데뷔 준비는 어떻게? (What was the preparation for your debut like?)
▲ 고등학교 3학년 때 지인의 소개를 받아 현 소속사와 일을 하게 됨. 이후 이재용 선생님한테 연기수업을 꾸준히 받으며 경험을 쌓기 위해 수시로 오디션에 도전했다.
▲ Was introduced by an acquaintance and signed onto a label during 3rd year in High school. Afterwards, learning acting from my teacher Lee Jae Yong and aiming to gain some experiance, began auditioning.

Q22. 데뷔 전부터 정일우와 친했다고 들었는데 그의 첫인상은? (Before your debut you were friends with Jung Il Woo, what was your first expression of him?)
▲ 생김새가 여성스럽다?ㅋ
▲ He looked like a woman? -laugh-

Q23. 실제 성격은? (Your real personality?)
▲ 밝고 낙천적임.
▲ Bright & optimistic

Q24. 지금껏 연기한 캐릭터 중 실제 성격과 가장 비슷하다고 생각하는 캐릭터는? (Among the characters you’ve performed, whom are you most similar to?)
▲ ‘꽃보다 남자’ 구준표.
▲ ‘BOF Goo Jun Pyo

Q25. 키가 커서 좋은 점은? (Height is your strongest point?)
▲ 어렸을 때부터 키가 큰 편에 속했음. 우선 시야가 다른 사람보다 넓고 옷을 입으면 태가 잘 나는 것이 장점.
▲ I’ve been tall since I was young. I look like a different person in loose clothing.

Q26. 첫사랑은 언제, 누구와? (Who and when was your first love?)
▲ 스무살 때, 대학서 만난 일반인.
▲ At 20 years old, met at University

Q27. 성형(수술)은 안했어? (You haven’t done plastic surgery?)
▲ 전혀. 순도 100% 자연미남(?).
▲ Haven’t. 100% naturally handsome

Q28. 콤플렉스는? (Complex?)
▲ 특별히는 없다.
▲ Not especially

Q29. 가장 많이 울어 봤을 때는? (Time when you cried a lot?)
▲ 스무살 되던 해 여름, (정)일우를 비롯해 아는 형, 누나들과 여러 명이서 동해로 당일치기 여행을 갔다가 해안도로에서 교통사고를 당했을 때. 당시 사고로 1년간 활동을 못했음.
▲ The summer at 20 years old when involved in the car accident while traveling with Jung Il Woo and several other friends. I wasn’t able to do anything for a year.

Q30. 가장 무서웠던 기억은? (Worst memory?)
▲ 교통사고 나고 앰블런스에 실려 병원으로 후송되던 때.
▲ Being taken to the hospital in the ambulance at the time of the accident.

Q31. 잠버릇은? (Sleeping habit?)
▲ 잠꼬대가 심한 편.
▲ Sleep-talking

Q32. 사랑, 우정, 일 가운데 우선순위를 정하라면? (Prioritize love, friendship and work?)
▲ 일->우정->사랑
▲ work->friendship->love

Q33. 혈액형은? (Blood type?)
▲ A형
▲ Type A

Q34. 별자리는? (Star sign?)
▲ 게자리
▲ Cancer

Q35. 종교는? (Religion?)
▲ 종교 없음. 부모님은 불교.
▲ No religion. Buddhism for parents.

Q36. ‘꽃보다 남자’ 끝나면 가장 하고 싶은 일은? (What do you want to do after BOF ends?)
▲ 여행가고파.
▲ Vacation

Q37. 이상형은? (Ideal type?)
▲ 송혜교처럼 작고 피부가 하얀 여자.
▲ Like Song Hye Gyo, a delicate fair-skinned woman

Q38. 좌우명은? (Motto?)
▲ 모든 일에 최선을 다하자.
▲ Do your best with all things

Q39. 최근 인기를 실감하나. (Realization of your recent popularity)
▲ 이제 조금씩 느끼고 있다. 기분 좋다.
▲ Little by little I’m realizing it. Feels good.

Q40. 팬들에게 한마디. (A word to your fans.)
▲ 많은 사랑에 너무 감사드리고 앞으로도 그 사랑 식지 않기를… 그리고 항상 행복하길 빌고 싶다.
▲ Thank you very much for the great amount of love, I won’t let it go to waste… and I wish for everyone’s happiness.

yes.. he likes song hye kyo. nice taste huh? :D
and me... i just continually get crazier over minho each day... so helpless!!! hehehe :D


*lee min ho crazy girl*

*wu chun addict*

*forever loyal joe cheng gal*

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