but i finally decided to end it all last friday morning, when i signed my resignation letter effective february 10, 2010.
this started more than half a year ago. when our client pulled out from etel, i was still with m&m, the dilemma was whether to stay with etel or accept the rebadge package sykes and wns offered the m&m agents. i chose staying with etel because i believed so much on how this company valued its employees.. well i thought that time it was the right decision. so i stayed..
but m&m had to let go of us before it finally shuts down in october. we transferred to another program in august, this was in shaw. i have written several entries regarding this stressful program, this was where i experienced hell.. i was literally dragging myself to work. i have thought several times of giving up and resigning because of that program.. when suddenly we received a notice that they will transfer us back to rolex.. so i postponed my plan.
we transferred back to rolex and i was happy once again. although i must admit, there has been several changes as well in rolex especially in the higher management team.. but this was way much better than staying there in shaw. this was also the time when the stream and etelecare merger pushed thru which most of us hoped to be for the good of all (but now turns out to be the worst decision etel has made...)
then the last week of january arrived, the annual ramp down started. the program cannot support a lot of high level agents so as we have expected, we were the first in line for transfer. nevertheless, we hoped to be transferred to a different program, not back to hire right. but guess what? they compromised transferring us back to hire right and that was definitely a NO for me.. but guess what again, there was no option to say NO, how's that? no option for LOI not even to float and wait for other programs.. nice huh? being in such a position left me no choice but to resign... that ended my contract with etel, effective at a later date due to my leaves left.. my terminal leave, by the way, was also an issue before i signed my resignation because the higher management did not allow me to consume them at first and told me that by resigning i forfeit all my leaves left.. what the??? thanks to my ever dependable TL who was very angry when he found out what happened and told me not to sign the papers yet last wednesday because he'll talk to them regarding these leaves.. i thank you soooo much!!! :)
a lot of us thought that being a part of this bigger company (stream) would be very beneficial for the etel employees.. but it turned out to be the exact opposite. the so called "merger" seemed to be a "buy out". changes were expected but not to the extent of not leaving any etel trace in the company at all. the infamous culture and values of etelecare are now gone... even the ham and cheese during christmas is gone. attendance policy is totally different, payroll system on a bi-weekly scheme, quarterly PA still in limbo, per minute salary rate applied, finger scan gone, breakfast for the champs i'm sure will be gone soon as well as high flyer bonuses, etc. etc. what else can they take away? there's nothing left... even employee value is no longer felt..
Etelecare International once said "Building an Industry, Building People".
then it became Etelecare Global Solutions and said "World Class World Wide".
then became Stream Global Services saying "BUDGET DRIVEN?"
after 4 years 3 months and 12 days.. i'm ending it all and now i'm free.. from all the stress and dilemmas.. i believe i've endured staying for so long because i'm hopeful of better changes and got nothing but pure disappointment.. now i'm relieved though a little sad as well.. for i will always have the fondest memories of the first company i worked for.. and that's etelecare not stream..
now, i guess it's really time to say goodbye..
*lee min ho crazy girl*
*wu chun addict*
*forever joe cheng's gal*
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